Wedding Details Box: What Should Go In It

I have something I’ve been wanting to blog about for a long while – a details box! Now I know what you’re thinking, you’re knee-deep in wedding planning, and another to-do on your list feels overwhelming. I can promise you that this task will only set you up for a stress-free day later on. Let me tell you why you absolutely need one and what should go in it!

Why You Need a Details Box:

Your wedding day is a whirlwind of love, laughter, and maybe a few happy tears. Amidst all that excitement, some of the tiny, sentimental details might slip through the cracks. That’s where the photos of your details come in. After the day is said and done, you won’t be remembering the small little things that you carefully planned out to make for a perfect wedding day. All you’ll have left are the memories that will slowly fade away and the photos that you’ve chosen to be captured. If details are important to you, then I highly suggest making a details box to set aside for your photographer. Too often at weddings details are scattered through boxes and valuable time is spent searching for these items for photos. Having a details box will help your timeline move smoothly and help you get all the photographs you’re wanting. A little bit of organization will go a long way!

What Goes Inside a Details Box?

  1. Invitations and Stationery: Include a copy of your beautiful invites and any other stationery that came with your Invitation Suite. They help tremendously with creating a storyline for your wedding day.
  2. Bridal Details: Your dress is a must, obvously! But there is so much more that can be included in Bridal Details such as: the rings, the veil, jewelry, hair piece, garter, shoes, etc.
  3. Family Heirlooms: If you’ve got some family heirlooms or sentimental goodies, toss them in! Maybe a snippet of lace from your mom’s dress or your grandma’s vintage brooch. It’s like wrapping yourself in a warm hug from generations past.
  4. Vows: A copy of your vows is a great way to add to the small details. Writing it in a his and hers vow book is one of my favorite ways I’ve seen this done!
  5. Wedding Day Smells: Have your perfume or cologne for the day in the box to be photographed. While most people don’t think of this as an important detail, it’s more popular than you may think!
  6. Ribbons and Florals: If you have a color swatch ribbon for you wedding this would make for the perfect way to tie in your wedding colors into the detail shots. Ask your florist if she will have any additional florals that they can set to the side for you. Flowers and Pedals are great ways to complete the detail shots.


The details box is the perfect way to stay organized. Though it sound like a project now, you photographer will be thanking you for being so put together and organized! I hope this post helps you in preparing you for your wedding day! If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments.



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