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A few weeks ago my kids, our pup and I made the trip to Oregon so I could photograph a wedding. I was happy to get Jeremy and Tori on my books for their family session while I was in town! When Tori contacted me, I was excited to hear that she wanted help styling […]
Finding the right wedding venue around Colorado Springs Colorado Springs is the second most populous city in Colorado, and it’s also a popular destination for many people looking for beautiful scenery and outdoor activities. You may have heard of Colorado being known as one of the easiest places to get married, along with one of […]
Red Rocks Open Space is a beautiful location for your next family session! Its a great location to beat the crowd from Garden of the Gods while still achieving a very similar look to your session. Red Rocks Open Space features red rock structures, grassy fields and open skies that sport beautiful sunsets! This location […]
Garden of the Gods is one of the most sought after locations to see while in Colorado Springs. It’s no wonder so many families choose to have their family session in this incredible location! Garden of the Gods has beautiful rock formations throughout the park and sixteen different hikes that you can do. In the […]
Colorado is home to some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. In this blog I’m going to cover some of my favorite locations to shoot all covered in my Colorado Springs photography collection and why each location is so awesome! My client’s have raved about these amazing Colorado photo locations! Red Rocks Open […]
The beautiful mama is pregnant with twins! Her session was taken at Mueller State Park in Divide, Colorado. This is a perfect day for a session! The clouds rolled in for the perfect beginning of our session together. At the end of the session we lucked out with the most perfect winter golden sunset! Please […]
I have something I’ve been wanting to blog about for a long while – a details box! Now I know what you’re thinking, you’re knee-deep in wedding planning, and another to-do on your list feels overwhelming. I can promise you that this task will only set you up for a stress-free day later on. Let […]
I had the privilege to photograph the Hagens Family in one of my all time favorite photo locations. This location is known for its views with the majestic Pikes Peak in the distance. This location is covered under my Pikes Peak Collection. Styling the Perfect Outfits One of the things that made this session go […]
When the Lane family chose this incredible location for their family session. They told me that they wanted me to help with their styling and I was anxiously awaiting the day that the Reclamation Dress was going to come in. When she told me she was thinking of doing pinks and greens I jumped on […]
This location is within my locations for my Pikes Peak Collection. It’s one of the most breathtaking locations in the area with a eye level view of Pike Peak! This location is great for families with little ones thanks to it’s easy walk from the parking area. Enjoy the breathtaking view of Pikes Peak only […]